Four Fun Ways to Update your Current Space!

Can you believe how fast summer has gone by?! I feel like it just flew by. I think this is because it feels like we went from winter to summer due to COVID. How are you staying safe? There are so many people redoing their homes and let’s not neglect our outdoor spaces! Although August is coming to an end there is still plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors! Here in NJ, we’ve been stuck in quarantine and limited to outdoor activities. So why not make the most of the summer nights and cool fall days - while stuck in quarantine - and give your backyard a makeover?! Don’t neglect your yard, water your yard, cut the grass! Here are four really cool ways for you to update and enjoy your own space:

1) Outdoor furniture! 

You can make any space cute with a little change of scenery with furniture. I love the outdoor line at Target and there are some great pictures on amazon too! Add a pop of color or choose a theme. Switch up the seats or add a canopy or umbrella. If you have existing furniture, find a different way to place them around your patio area. You can have a couch in one section and a few chairs and a coffee table in another to add various seating for guests.

2) Add a fire pit! 

Nothing like gathering around a warm fire. Cozied up with a blanket or making some toasty s’mores! If you’re in NJ, Onorato Landscaping has got you covered. They have a few different options based on your style and they’ll put it together and set it up for you! And viola! The masterpiece is complete. If you’ve had your eye on a freestanding structure or envisioned a fire pit that’s built into your retaining wall, this is the company to assist you. You’ll meet with Marc Onorato and he has the ability to help clarify your ideas, develop a plan, and bring it to life. The best part is he’s extremely professional, friendly and can do this all on your budget. These professionals like Marc and his team, are sure to build you a dream fire pit in the Bergen County area


3) Fancy lights! 

Hang some fairy or bulb lights around or add some ground lighting to brighten up the space — for night time of course. It adds such a great ambiance whether fun or romantic. With the lights, you can stay out late - eat, play, and enjoy! Have a nice dinner, play some games, have a refreshing drink, and above all, have a good time! Another way to add lights around the area is by putting them around the perimeter of your space. This also allows people to see where they are going and adds that soft glow touch you’re looking for. If you have a few focal points you want to be able to see in the dark, add some of these to the trees in your backyard, plants or a porch swing you might have out in the yard. 

4) Plant something! 

Yes, that’s right. I’ve heard a lot of people have been having a green thumb since quarantine started! You plant anything from a tree, or just some flowers... how about some fruits or vegetables? It’s green and you can add color with some sort of plants! Even if you don’t feel like digging up dirt to plant, you can definitely add a freestanding plant for some pizzazz! It’s also a great way to keep your green thumb in check without having to do a lot of work either, plus it can help you save money on buying produce at your local grocery store or get to know your new neighbors by offering them so fruit or vegetables as a welcome to the neighborhood basket. 

I hope you found this list helpful! With this list, you can maximize and enjoy your own backyard and patio spaces - especially during quarantine! Of you try it out, please let me share them with me! Don’t forget to take before and after photos. I’d love to see the changes you make. Transformations are so fun! Have you worked on any of these within your home the last few months? Share in the comments below because I’d love to hear what big or small things you’ll be doing to enjoy the last warm summer months together.